Let’s gather people in ways that support wellness, connection, and possibility.

Nourish bodies

When we gather people we are hosting their bodies. Provide nutritious food that considers everyone’s dietary needs. Welcome people to do what they need to take care of their bodies and be at choice.



Creating non-judgemental, de-shamifying spaces invites more of our vulnerability and authenticity. When we can bring more of our whole selves into the circle, relax into being human together, and we access more of our collective wisdom.

Decolonize Embodiment

Somatics or embodiment is a modern adaptation to colonization that remembers and seeks to repair what many pre-colonial cultures knew, there was no separation between thoughts, body, and land. Colonization disrupted this harmony, emphasizing the head dominating the animal body. Embodiment, also known as somatics, restores gentle, non-judgemental awareness to the wisdom of the whole body.

Spirit work

Protocol, ceremony, or ritual. Intentional relationship with the land, ancestors, and the energy or aliveness that interconnects us all. We can offer our gratitude and invite our spirit teams or our well and wise ancestors to support us. We can offer our healing work to the wounds of generations past. When a tree is wounded in the forest, the mycelium network brings food medicine from the neighbouring trees of different species.

Address power

By naming & intentionally engaging with power and privilege we can create opportunities to practice equity. We interrupt the colonial illness of “power over” and dominator consciousness and work towards restoring balance and remembering our “power with”. How can we embody anti-racism, decolonization, and disability justice?